Visit Eagle Valley Evangelical Free Church

We’re glad you’re here! Whether you’ve grown up in the church or this is your first time checking one out, we want you to feel at ease.

Here are some general questions you may have and some responses regarding God, Jesus, the Church, and our services at Eagle Valley in particular. Feel free to visit anytime or contact us if you have any other questions.

Can I know God?

The Bible tells us that God made us and desires a relationship with us (Gen. 1:26-28). The problem is that humans sin (Gen.3:6-7), making that relationship difficult (3:14-19). The good news, or the gospel, though, is that God himself became flesh in the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:14) in order to repair our relationship with God. Jesus lived a perfect life, died, and rose again to save us from our sins, so that not only can we have a relationship again, but a forever relationship with God (John 3:16).

What style of music do you use for worship?

There is a mix of contemporary choruses and hymns. The desire is Colossians 3:16, and for Christ to dwell in our hearts, with one of the ways of doing that being singing psalms, hymns, and other spiritual songs.

Am I allowed to take communion?

We welcome all who believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior to come to the table. Communion is the first Sunday of the month.

When to arrive?

Sunday worship service is at 9:30am, and Sunday school starts at 10:45am (no Sunday school until September). There is also a fellowship time at 10:30am, where you can grab a cup of coffee and relax in the lobby.

Where to go?

The main entrance is on the south side of the church building. Also, on the south of the building is the church’s parking lot, and you are welcome to park anywhere you can find a spot.

What should I do with my children?

There is nursery (for children under the age 4) available on the north side of the lobby. The nursery is staffed during the Sunday School hour and the worship service.

For children ages 4 and up, we have Sunday school classes during Sunday School hour and King's kids (children's church) during part of the worship service.

What is the attire for worship?

We are not a formal congregation and welcome you regardless of attire.